Stop Hate Speech- Justin Trudeau

Dear fellow Canadian,

You may have already seen this very disturbing video footage from PM Trudeau (below) . In the video he makes comments about people that have decided to make decisions about their and their families’ medical autonomy.   The letter attached template has been carefully crafted to help you TAKE ACTION to arrest this messaging.

See the video here 

This man, from a position of influence and oversight has openly shown blatant racist displays many times in his adult life in a country where we value unity and inclusivity.

This supporting document is intended to provide context to the attached letter by explaining the references to the criminal code and where and how to send the letter.  On behalf of all Canadians, past, present, and future, thank you for your patriotism, for your devotion and vigorous support of our beloved country.

What charges pursuant to The Criminal Code are we asking to be laid and proceeded upon immediately?


Due to overwhelming response we had to turn this initiative off...There were over 10 000 signatures collected.


Thanks for your support ! We can see the power of focus and attention as we all work towards gaining our freedoms !






Justin Trudeau Comment and Legal Action

On behalf of all Canadians, past, present, and future, thank you !

The Honourable David Lametti
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

I, %first_name% %last_name% being a resident of Canada hereby state:
That on/or about December 29, 2021 Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, stated on a public television broadcast in Quebec, that those who have not been vaccinated are very often “Misogynists and Racists”, he then stated that “They don’t believe in science/progress”. Finally, Mr. Trudeau went on to make the statement “This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people? “And “that they take up some space.”
As a citizen of Canada who resides in the Canada and who is identifiable when proof of vaccine is requested or when I may participate in lawful, peaceful gatherings; these comments have now left me FEARING FOR MY SAFETY, AFRAID TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC, FEARFUL OF REPRISALS, FEARFUL THAT I MAY BE SUBJECT TO VIOLENCE.
These egregious statements were made for the purpose of promoting hatred and violence against an identifiable group, specifically; individuals who have not received any or all Covid-19 Vaccination doses.
I am asking that charges, pursuant to The Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) s. 319(1) and 319(2) be laid and proceeded upon immediately.

%%your signature%%

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