Filing a Complaint about Dr. Tam

If you have reached this page, then you have either been affected directly or indirectly by the lockdowns that have taken place in Ontario. Lockdowns that have done nothing to stop the spread and have in fact caused more problems than they purported to solve. Lockdowns were imposed based on numerous errors, models and recommendations that have subsequently turned out to be false. This assertion is backed up by actual data from around the world.
These lockdowns have lead to a rise in mental health issues, suicides, opiod use, bankruptcies, job losses as well as many other repercussions. For our most vulnerable citizens such as the elderly and the physically and mentally handicapped, the results of these lockdowns have been tortuous and in many instances have resulted in death and permanent damage to their care and developmental progress.
The Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr Theresa Tam, is the doctor responsible for these faulty and incompetent recommendations to the province. She has been put forward as all of our doctor, which makes us all her patients. As a result, her care is governed by the Ontario College of Physicians by-laws.
It's now time for us to take matters into our own hands and file official complaints with the college that regulates our chief medical officer of health. Take 20 to 30 minutes to write out a complaint to explain to the college how these lockdowns have affected you and your most vulnerable. This is a personal opportunity to express how Dr Tam’s medical recommendations have caused you direct harm.
As you can see to the right there is a template and a schedule that can assist you in filing your own complaint. Step one is to go to the link below and get the Complaint Form. You can see on the right hand side an example of the Complaint Form and an example of the schedule. Personalize the complaint to reflect issues that you or your family have had.
For example, if you have had issues of physical and mental health due to the lockdowns that were unnecessary or if you have been otherwise negatively affected.
This process is a legal and fully authorized mechanism, designed by the Ontario College of Physicians to regulate the medical profession. All that is asked of you is to participate. The more people that make their personal plea to the college the better.
Send your message to the college to personally express the incredible harm that these lockdowns are generating with no tangible or lasting affect on the spread.
Take this opportunity to finally be heard.
It's time to say enough. It's time to make Dr. Tam accountable for her missteps, errors, and complete incompetence.
See the steps on the right hand column. --->
Step 1: Download the form
Step 2: Fill out the form with your personal information
Add any additional information on a Schedule
Step 4: Print and Sign the form and send it to:
Step 1: Go the to the College of Physicians and Surgeons web site.
This is body that regulates Medical Doctors in Ontario.
Each province has their own College...See the list below
Go to the file a Complaint Section
and go the the complaint form Download or fill out the form.
Step 2: Fill out the form with your details and add any personal issues and details that have affected you or your family.
Step 3: Print and Sign the form and send it to:
Or Print it and Mail it to
The Registrar/CEO
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
80 College Street
Toronto ON M5G 2E2
If you have questions on any part of this please use our contact form. We will try to assist.
Step 4:
The Colleges have been replying to people telling them that their claims are frivolous. We are gathering names of people that would like to join a class action against the various colleges (see the form below).
Please Fill Out the Form Below if you Want to Potentially Join a Class Action Against the Colleges
Many Colleges have been sending form letters telling complainants that their complaint is frivolous. Fill out the form below to join a class action against the College when the time is right.
If you have not already filed a complaint against Dr. Eileen De Villa...Please consider this too.
If you receive a reply from the CPSO like the one below please please send a response. Below is a sample that you can copy and paste and edit.
Note: The lawsuit against Dr Tam can be found here
See the Rebel New Petition to Fire Dr. Tam