Lodge a complaint of professional misconduct to the College of Nurses of Ontario Today !

Time To Hold Doris Grinspun Accountable for Destroying Your Trust in Nurses

On Friday September 17, 2021 Doris Grinspun, the CEO of the RNAO hit a new low. When asked how she would manage a PPC voting /anti-vax neighbour, she recommended putting a “strong dose”
of Dulcolax in “yummy” empanadas.The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) is aware that administering a noxious substance falls under the criminal code and well below professional nursing practice standards. At worst, the intent of Doris Grinspun's recommendation was to bring harm. At best, she intended to humiliate and degrade people who don’t hold the same values as her, by giving them uncontrolled diarrhea. Either way, she is guilty of professional misconduct. Hold Doris accountable for her disgraceful behaviour and destroying your trust in the nursing profession and submit a complaint to the CNO.If you agree with the contents of the letter linked below, then please fill in your personal information and email it to the addresses provided.
September 19, 2021
Contact :
Re: Comments by Doris Ginspun on social media
Dear Complaints Department of the College of Nurses of Ontario:
I wish to lodge a complaint of professional misconduct against Doris Grinspun, CEO of the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, for her comments on social media on September 17, 2021. Dr. Grinspun has destroyed my trust in the nursing profession and I am greatly distressed by that loss.
These comments were in a tweet that she posted in response to a question about how to deal with an “antivax” / PPC voting neighbour. Rather than using this opportunity to offer a therapeutic solution such as communication and education, Doris tweeted: “bring them one of my yummy Empanadas and put a strong dose of dulcolax in !!!!! “
Dr. Grinspun then took the time to find and post a link to Dulcolax. Thus her comment was deliberate and far from a spur-of-the moment “joke”. Rather, it suggests she was actually encouraging the use of Dulcolax to harm those with opposing views to her own.
The twitter post brought a flurry of comments expressing outrage and was covered by numerous news sources. Dr. Grinspun then apologized for her “tasteless joke” but began her apology with a sarcastic reference to her “antivaxxer friends.” Rather than showing remorse, she claimed to care for the welfare of the people, she had thought deserved to be secretly drugged. Her apology was clearly insincere.
Recommending that someone secretly spike a person’s food with a drug is beyond unprofessional. Clearly Doris Grinspun failed in each nursing role described in the College of Nurses of Ontario competencies and professional practice standards. In particular she trampled the guiding principal of: ‘first do no harm.”
Moreover, the act of surreptitiously adding a drug to someone’s food or drink is a criminal offence. Just one week ago Western University reported 30 incidents of young women being drugged without their knowledge. The fact that Dr. Grinspun would make this comment in light of those recent events is disgraceful and reckless.
As a Registered Nurse, Dr. Grinspun is well aware of the risks associated with Dulcolax. As such, she understands it is linked to over 213 drug interactions alone. She is also acutely aware of harms associated with the severe diarrhea induced after a “strong dose of dulcolax.” These include a cascade of potentially lethal issues for certain populations vulnerable to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
As a public health authority, Doris Grinspun holds considerable influence over an impressionable public worn down by fear for 19 months. She abused that position of power by dehumanizing a segment of the population with whom she disagrees and publicly incited hatred against them. Her cries for vaccine mandates and infliction of further restrictions on vaccine passports for this same population is now further suspect.
She must be held professionally accountable for the harm she has caused. If this situation were reversed and an RN publicly recommended hiding harmful drugs in the food of a vaccine advocate, the CNO would surely respond with a swift and harsh penalty. Since Doris Grinspun is in a position of influence, she needs to be held to an even higher standard. Failure to do so would be telling of your lack of objectivity when dealing with political nursing players such as Dr. Grinspun. Remember you are accountable to all members of the public and are obligated to protect them.
Please do the right thing and take strong action against Doris Grinspun now.